With almost half the semester gone, having a good routine is important to being successful for the rest of the year. Sociology professor Brenda Wilhelm has some thoughts on creating a routine and the most important aspects.
What is the most important thing when trying to set a good routine with school and life?
To me, the most important things are time management and focus. When I was a freshman, I was advised to consider 8am-5pm as my workday – just like a regular job – and I think that was great advice. Those specific hours may not work for you but if you schedule work time as if college was a full-time job (which it is!), you can work during those hours and relax during your “off” hours. But the key is to make sure you are actually working and only working during your work hours – so schedule that time in a good location where you won’t be distracted and avoid multi-tasking (including checking social media)!
What should students try and set as a routine? Like sleep-wise, school-wise? Should they set eating times?
I’m not a fan of being over-scheduled so beyond “work time” and “not work time,” I don’t advise scheduling too much within that. That said, I definitely recommend healthy eating, sufficient sleep, and regular exercise – so plan for those each day until they become habitual. Just try not to get so structured that you lose the ability to adapt. Make sure your schedule includes time just for fun too! You know what they say about all work and no play… it’s just that the opposite, all pay and no work, isn’t so great either.
What do you think is the best about having a routine? Do you think students need to have a routine?
I think that routines are important for everybody, including students. Students have some routine automatically in terms of classes, and students who are working for pay have that scheduled in as well. In fact, some students who have school, work, and families may have the problem of being over-scheduled; in that case, the important thing is to find time in the routine for themselves. Many students have a lot of flexibility in terms of how they spend their time and too much flexibility can actually be a little unsettling. Without a routine, it’s easy to feel a bit unmoored.
Do you have a routine that you like to follow? If so, would you share it with the students?
I am someone who needs routine to be functional – the two big things for me are scheduling work time vs. off-time and using a to-do app, to ensure that I’m keeping up with what I need to do, both personally and professionally. As much as possible, I schedule work during “normal” work hours, although I typically work on Sundays as well. I try to take one day a week completely off. I am very firm about not working when I consider myself “off” so that I don’t feel guilty about what I “should” be doing. For me, getting enough sleep is also a must. Like anyone, I’m not perfect about following my own rules; learning to accept that has become part of the routine. But having a routine provides some very necessary structure to my life and that, I think, is good for both productivity and general well-being.