CMU is one of the nine realms


It was recently revealed that Colorado Mesa University (CMU) is one of the nine realms.  

I know everyone assumed that we were a part of the nine realms because Earth is one of the nine realms in Norse Mythology.  

No, we are the starting point in this realm, you can’t travel anywhere without coming into or out of CMU. I’m sure a lot of you are skeptical, but hear me out.  

Grand Junction is the perfect place to do this because once you get out of town, there are a bunch of possible places that you could use the Bifrost. Also, Odin is smart enough to realize the best times to use the Bifrost to avoid us human beings from noticing that they are Asgardians on campus. 

Still skeptical? 

Huh, I thought that would’ve done it, but you are one tough nut to crack. The other damning evidence that I have is that I once saw Odin in town looking through housing listings that he was going to give to Thor and Jane Foster.  

If you don’t believe me that’s fine, but I’m going to be the one that goes to Asgard first, so I don’t feel bad.