Clubs and Organizations show off what they’re made of at the Club Fair

As week two of the new school year ended, students across campus tried to find their footing at the Colorado Mesa University (CMU) Club Fair.  Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2024, CMU hosted one of a handful of club fairs throughout the first month of classes, where a variety of organizations and clubs showcased what they had to potential new members.

One such group at the fair was KMSA Radio, a student-run station. CMU senior and general manager Brianna Sinclair emphasized the importance of maintaing radio in the age of streaming services. 

“A lot of people say radio isn’t as big as it used to be, with Spotify and other platforms taking over, but radio is still popular, and it’s important to keep that medium alive,” Sinclair said.

The CMU Rodeo Club was also present, with members Amanda Eastlake and Psy Lenere, junior and freshman students respectively, discussing the club’s mission. Lenere highlighted the significance of introducing Western culture to the student body. 

“It brings the community together and helps people from the city experience something new,” said Lenere. 

Eastlake encouraged students, even those without rodeo experience, to get involved, noting that Head Coach Branden Edwards is dedicated to helping newcomers. The club is currently preparing for their next competition at Southern Utah University.

Meanwhile, the CMU men’s club soccer team is starting the year with a focus on teamwork and a positive atmosphere. Captain and junior student Samuel Koontz spoke about the welcoming environment the team offers. 

“Even if you haven’t played much soccer, we’re happy to have you come out and play pickup with us,” Koontz said. 

He also praised coach Jonathan Pando who he said makes practices feel like playing with friends. The team is looking forward to their upcoming match against Air Force Academy, where they hope to avenge a previous loss. Practices are held on Mondays and Wednesdays from 7-9 p.m. on the practice football turf.

Another club making an impact is the Sociology Club, led by junior Ashlie Ray. Ray emphasized the club’s role in fostering discussions about social issues and promoting positive change. 

“In today’s climate, with so much polarization, it’s crucial to understand what’s happening to make real, positive change,” Ray said. 

The Sociology Club meets every Monday at 2 p.m. in Houston Hall and stays active on Instagram, @cmu_sociology, where they post updates and engage with students.

Out of the many clubs and organizations at CMU, these are only a small selection. Each organization offers unique opportunities for students to get involved, make connections and enhance their university experience. 


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