Copy Editor Bids Farewell

Susan Moore
Susan Moore

It’s that time to say goodbye to everyone, but I don’t want to!
After a year of being a part of a wonderful family, I now have to bid adeu!

As a business major, I initially took on the job as Copy Editor for The Criterion because I am good at spelling and grammar. I am also pretty good at catching other errors in writing as well. This also aided in work experience by being part of a team and helping to manage the input that comes in. I also wanted my final year in college to be something that I would remember. I thought, what better than to work on the school paper!

I never really intended to be much of a writer, but was more interested in doing photography for stories on an as needed basis. I took a story at the beginning of the Fall 2018 semester, only because it was about something I was aware of–the diploma printing error. I really didn’t think that I was going to write much more after that. But I did.

Through all of the stories that I have written, I learned much more about the AP writing style, and how to write for different sections of a paper. I never really knew there was a different style to the writing. I also got better at my photography skills that I initially learned here at Colorado Mesa University from photography instructor, Forrest Zerbe .

I want to give a big thank you to everyone that I have worked with at The Criterion, past and present, who worked with me and helped me to be a better writer. I also want to say thank you to Chris DeLeon, who gave me the chance to be the copy editor and learn a new skill. Also, thank you Bob Silbernagel and Denny Herzog for helping me with those hard stories that could have been a disaster. I could not have done this with out all of you!

What am I going to miss most about this job? Everyone that I worked with. That includes students, faculty and staff! The staff here at The Criterion has become an extended family to me. I am going to miss being here for the weekly meetings every Monday and our design day Sundays. I am also going to miss writing articles. I never thought working for a paper would be such a joyous opportunity for me, but it certainly was. This all makes me think of the Boys II Men song, “It’s So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday,” especially these words:

“How do I say goodbye to what we had? The good times that made us laugh, outweighed the bad. I don’t know where this road is gonna lead to.
All I know is where we’ve been and what we’ve been through.
If it gets me to tomorrow, I hope it’s worth all the pain.
And I’ll take with me the memories to be my sunshine after the rain. It’s so hard to say goodbye to yesterday. ”

This is exactly how I feel!

I wish everyone staying with The Criterion an eventful and enjoyable year next year! For those who are graduating–congratulations! I look forward to staying in the loop of all the happenings of CMU in the future. I will miss each and every one of you. Thank you for allowing me to be part of such a great team of a great school!

Image courtesy of Nico Ortega | The Criterion