CMU students: let’s take a breath

Helpful tips to relieve stress


Stress is something that we all deal with on a daily or weekly basis. I have five great ways that I relieve stress.

Try the techniques out for yourself and see if they work for you. If not, then you can say you tried it and go back to your way of relieving stress. The five points I have listed below have helped me become less stressed.  

It will all be about experimenting and starting small to be able to see what will work and the best way to create a habit because once you can turn in a way to relieve stress it will be a lot less stressful.   

Going to the gym

Going to the gym can be extremely helpful in relieving stress. The biggest help is that any form of exercise releases endorphins. “These endorphins interact with the receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of pain. Endorphins also trigger a positive feeling in the body, similar to that of morphine” (WebMD).  

That means that if you are feeling stressed or depressed going to the gym, even once a week, for no more than 30 minutes could have high benefits for your wellbeing and stress levels. Eventually, the 30 minutes one day a week workouts will turn into an hour and going three-five times a week. It’s all about starting small and working your way up.  

You can think of this process in terms of climbing a mountain. You can’t get to the top in a single step, it takes lots of baby steps to get there. The same goes for relieving stress.  

Take cold showers

This one might sound crazy to most but I have seen my stress and depression drop after taking a cold shower. I’m not sure exactly why.  

My best guess is that I don’t want to stay in a cold shower for as long as I would want to stay in a warm shower.  

This then allows for me to have more time to focus on other tasks. Instead of staying in the shower for 25 minutes stressing about past events that have no relevance anymore and can’t be changed.  

Try this out for a week and see if it works or if you already take cold showers feel free to comment below saying why.  

Schedule your week out on Sundays

This has helped me a lot in relieving stress because I’m not stressing out whether or not I will have time. Scheduling could very well help you too if you try.  

It might feel strange at first for you, if you have never been someone to use a calendar.  

Your phone already has a calendar installed on it and you can easily link your calendar to your computer to insure that you always have time for work, homework, eating, shopping, working out, hanging out with friends, studying and fun activates.

You might be saying right now “that will only stress me out more.” All I can say is you won’t know that until you try. Then you can say this stresses me out more. Or you might be saying, “Hey this way a really good idea.” It all coming down to managing your time well and making the most of it to reduce your stress.  

Focus on one thing at a time

Too many people fill their plate with way more than they can handle which seems to stress that person out.  

We are going to talk about food because I referenced a plate above. When you are eating a meal you aren’t going to eat everything at once in one big bite. You are more than likely focusing on one portion of the meal over the rest. Sure there are exceptions to every rule. One is it depends on how you eat your meals.  

Most people that I know eat one part of the meal then move to the next part. A good book that can be recommended to you that could help you understand this concept more is Eat that Frog by Brian Tracy.  

Always focus on the most importune first then the second and so on.  

Stop procrastinating

This is more than likely playing a huge role in the amount of stress you have. If you stopped bull-s****ing and get your homework or assignments done early you wouldn’t be so stressed the night before it’s due.  

This one ties into scheduling and focusing on one thing at a time because if you focus on one task then everything else will become easier or unnecessary.  

Every college student procrastinates, learn to say no to your friends and get some homework done before it’s due and you feel less stressed.  

If you disagree with me feel free to let me know. I’d like to see and hear what you do to relieve stress so that I can try them out the next time I feel stressed.