Candy for the Children

Trick or treat street 2018


Sugar high!


Wednesday, from 4 to 8 p.m., Colorado Mesa University’s (CMU) Residence Hall Association (RHA) hosted their annual Trick or Treat Street. RHA aimed to reach out to all on-campus residences and the local community. 


“Trick or Treat Street is our biggest event in the Fall,” Abraham Selenke, RHA president, said. All 11 residence halls take part in the event and positivite competiton is encouraged to see which residence hall can decorate their section the best. These residence halls decorated the first floor of Garfield Hall with a special theme.

RHA provided the overall theme of biomes, and each hall decorated based on their special theme. “For example, a hall can pick Forrest and have their special theme be Where The Wild Things Are,” Selenke said. 

This year alongside the residence halls, clubs and organizations, including The Criterion and Circle K International, set up booths outside with simple activities for the 5 to 12 year old attendees.