19th Annual Luau


On Saturday, April 6, the Ho’olokahi Polynesian Alliance (HPA) held the 19th Annual Luau in the University Center Ballroom to celebrate the Polynesian culture. This was the final event the Cultural Inclusion Council held for Unity Fest here at Colorado Mesa University.

Jordan DeLeon for The Criterion

Each year the HPA presents the luau. As many students know, this is one of the biggest student-lead events that both students and the community can attend.

Jordan DeLeon for The Criterion

The doors opened at 5:30 p.m. and dinner was served at 6 p.m. All those who attended had the opportunity to enjoy some Hawaiian food, which many said was delicious.

Susan Moore for The Criterion

After dinner was served, the luau began. All in attendance enjoyed a beautifully choreographed show.

There was a variety of different dances from Hula to Tahitian. Each dance represented different Polynesian cultures. Each dance presented was also a continuation of the story that was being told. From the beginning it seemed to be a story of two people in love who were fighting to stay together. In the end, the story was ultimately about their love for their child. It was a great show from beginning to end.

Images courtesy of Jordan De, Jordan and Susan Moore | The Criterion