by Delaney Letts
Delaney Letts | Criterion
This past Wednesday, Oct. 12, the Programming Activities Council (PAC) offered a mini decorating pumpkin activity for their monthly ‘Heart the Hump.’ These pumpkins were decorated from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. with many designs including jack-o’-lantern faces, spider webs, ghosts and other symbolic images or creative drawings.
“‘Heart the Hump’ is one of the more popular events that we coordinate, so we continue to plan this event each month,” PAC member Cassady Lipich said. “We get ideas for ‘Heart the Hump’ by communicating within our team, talking and playing off of each other’s DIY ideas, or we search Pinterest. Pinterest was made for us.”
About 300 to 500 students were able to celebrate October and get into the fall mood by splattering puff paint and jewels all over their mini pumpkins in honor of Halloween coming up. With sticky hands, and glittered fingers, students commenced the season of fall and the season of pumpkins.
Although advertised with posters hung throughout campus, students Jade Balili and Ashley Turrietta happened to walk in on the event in the University Center and spontaneously decided to participate. They described the event as “lit, fun and festive,” and it brightened their fall mood.