Given the chance to show creativity, research, innovation, entrepreneurship, and artistic performance, multiple students did just that over the past year in this year’s Student Showcase.
The Student Showcase is a yearly event that occurs on campus in which CMU/WCCC students show their projects that they have been working on since the beginning of the spring semester, or even as far back as the fall semester.
Students are given a problem or question that they must solve, and then take some time to come up with a real life solution. Junior Carlos Rodrigues, majoring in Electrical and Computer Engineering, expressed his thoughts on finalizing his project.
“It’s always a tough process especially with last minute design changes but it’s satisfying seeing all the progress being made since first starting. It feels awesome presenting and talking to people interested in what you have made.” said Rodriguez.
This showcase is a chance for students to get some hands-on experience, and learn skills that aren’t typically taught in a normal class environment. Teamwork, time management, and many more skills are taught in order to prepare students for the future outside of school.
“I finally get to share with so many people the knowledge I’ve accrued while working on this project, and how I’ve developed expertise in something more specific than what we are taught in class. It feels really great to be able to communicate about interesting things to people within the academic community here.” said Senior Abram Sanchez, Mechanical Engineering Major.
The showcase was held at the CMU Plaza which allowed for any students walking by to take a look at all the various projects. The event wasn’t just limited to students, multiple individuals from the general public lined up to watch the showcase.
“Being here at the showcase means showing the public what we have done. I am excited and happy to invite the public to visit our project, which will be located in the new Clifton Branch Library once its construction has been completed.” said Senior Manuel Monroy, Mechanical Engineering Major.
Throughout the showcase, judges walked around the plaza recognizing the projects that showed the most potential, and after the showcase, a celebration event was held at the CMU Ballroom. The celebration also consisted of a reverse job fair for students to engage with companies as well as be recruited for their hard work that they showed in the showcase.