In response to the reign of terror from The Baneful Bautista, a new hero has come to light.
The Helpful Haas stepped forward after the second day of cowering and decided to take down this new threat. We have absolutely no idea what his true identity is, but many are speculating that it is Daniel Haas, Associated Student Government (ASG) Vice President. In my opinion, that is absurd. Vice President Haas has glasses and the vigilante does not.
In an eventful battle last Wednesday, conveniently after the ASG meeting, The Baneful Bautista stated that he would use school domination as a stepping stone to eventual world domination.
“No! You can’t! That’s a really bad thing to do,” The Helpful Haas said.
The words did not seem to affect the new villain and he continued to throw his official papers around, creating an organizational nightmare.
“Too bad! My costume is cooler,” The Baneful Bautista said.
The Helpful Haas has retreated to try to bring a new force together and all Colorado Mesa University students are waiting with baited breath to see what happens next.