CMU’s Montrose campus has added their second ever club, and only one that is currently active: Write Club.

“The club came about by a feverous need to write and collaborate. I wanted to create a community of passionate writers to share their craft and stay motivated,” club President Rachel Burris said. She finds the writing and hearing other people read their pieces, as she puts it, “exhilarating.”
The idea for the club name was inspired by Chuck Palahinuk’s novel “Fight Club,” and draws ideas from the novel, such as if it’s one’s first time at Write Club one has to read something they’ve written.
The club reads their own writing, conducts workshops of each others pieces, and hopes to have open readings at local bookstore Maggie’s Books. They also hope to invite published authors to their meetings, and participate in National Novel Writing Month.
“I figured it might be nice to be a part of a group that enjoy doing something like I did,” club Secretary Honey Lee said.”I was having a little trouble connecting with my peers at school anyway and this was common ground with some of them.”
Lee is majoring in nursing, while Burris will be graduating with her AA (associate’s degree) in Early Childhood Education and starting her BA (bachelor’s degree) in English Writing. Burris also will be earning Technical Certificates in Film Editing and Directing.
“My writing style varies drastically, but I lean more towards creative, less restrictive writing. At least one of us is working on a project. But as a club it is more an open source to share ideas and things we’ve written,” Lee said.
The club so far has four members after a few weeks of operation, consisting of Lee, Burris, treasurer Christopher Gibson and Vice President Nicholas Jones. Montrose Instructor of English Rhonda Claridge serves as the Club Advisor.
“I’m thrilled [about the club], and I’m proud of the students who created it. I teach writing, so I’m especially happy that this club focuses on writing,” Claridge said. “As a form of expression, writing is simply a versatile, beautiful means. The Write Club gives students a venue that validates their desire to express themselves and be creative.”
Write Club is now the only active club on the Montrose campus, after the Montrose Campus Voice Club, dedicated to providing a voice for Montrose students, was disabled on Oct. 5, 2015.
“Writing is largely a solitary endeavor, but we write for an audience, and the Write Club provides audiences,” Claridge said.
“I was lucky that I found three people who were interested in the club right away. Nick, Chris and I decided to start the club and during our first meeting at CMU Montrose we nabbed Honey while she was walking out of Stats,” Burris said. “I like to write about my life. ‘Sex, drugs and rock n Roll baby.’” She laughed. “Much, much more, but that’s a good start.”