Constellations, painful memories, and the smell of coffee.
Colorado Mesa University (CMU) hosted the first Poets and Writers series of the semester, with readings held at the Kiln Coffee Bar.
Those reading included Terry Chase, Luis Lopez, Maureen Neal, and William Wright.
“In our own way, these readings serve a similar function as the CMU Art Gallery on Colorado Ave.,” CMU English Professor John Nizalowski said, who helps run the program.
Lopez went first, and presented from his new book, Andromeda of Vulpecula. “I’d like to tell the story of my stories,” Lopez said. “This one, my story.”
Terry Chase, as Nizalowski put it, “writes memoirs, a few have been published, and a few have been not.”
Coffee machines and a serene atmosphere punctuated the readings of Neal and Wright, with the crowd sipping occasionally as well.
The next reading is scheduled to take place sometime in October; the official date. has not been confirmed yet.