Why students should get involved


We all know there are countless clubs and organizations on campus, however, not many students actually attend meetings or events. It may seem scary at first, but everyone in organizations and clubs just wants to connect with their fellow students and participate in their passions.

Here are five reasons why you should take the time to find the right fit for you and get involved on campus.

1. Most events are free:

Clubs and organizations are always looking for new members and will hold frequent meetings and fun activities to try to drive interest up. There are many events during the first week of school that students can attend for free.

A sunrise hike with the Outdoor Program, cultural food tasting with the Cultural Inclusion Council (CIC), free root beer floats from the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Grocery Bingo with the Programming Activities Council are just a few of the events that can be found on the Presence app in MavZone. A lot of events will offer prizes or free food- just for attending!

2. You could discover your future career:

Student organizations are meant to help students network and learn about different interests and career paths. Joining groups can give you the opportunity to explore outside of your major. There are even paid positions in Student Life that give students real experience and boost their resume.

While you have the chance to do multiple activities that could lead to new interests and learn from advisors, you should take it. There is not a lot of time after college to try to discover new interests, especially without spending money. Here, you can do it for free and without much obligation if it turns out not to be the right fit.

3. You will have a voice on campus:

Students who do not participate in extracurriculars do not often have the space to voice their opinions and make changes. I have met so many people with great ideas that never get heard because they never took the leap to get into student organizations and clubs. When you join them, you could have access to funding and manpower to make a real difference.

For those who may not have time to do it themselves, there are student representatives you can talk to. Associated Student Government has a Senate seat for each department and as well as some are there to help the students and speak up for them.

4. You will meet new people:

Imagine a room full of people who are interested in the same things you are. Doesn’t that sound great? In clubs and organizations, countless people want to talk about their interests and start initiatives around campus.

If you are passionate about something, joining an activity can help you learn about it and grow in that area. Organizations like CIC also have multiple facets (Latino Student Association, Black Student Association and so forth) so that students can pick a group that identifies with them the most. The people in your organization or club will become a small family that jokes, has fun and takes care of each other.

5. You can learn things without enrolling in a class:

College is supposed to be about learning. Extracurriculars provide a learning environment without the tuition or fees attached. Plus, there is usually not any homework, and you don’t have to worry about a grade!

There are opportunities all around you to learn and grow as a person, you just have to reach out and take them. Without the classroom vibe, you may be able to take in more and you can get hands-on experience in some cases. For instance, KMSA is the school radio station and they allow you to take over the studio and become a DJ or announcer. There are a lot of chances to get involved!

Organizations and clubs put all of their information (meeting times, events and more) on Presence, an app you can find in MavZone and browse for your next adventure.