The time is now to submit your works

The literary review will critique your work this month


Are you a writer, poet or artist? Now is your chance to submit your work to the Colorado Mesa University Literary Review for critiques and possible publishing in this years book of works. 

Nov. 1 to the 30 is the first submission time frame. This submission period is for submitting work and then getting critiques of it from the Literary Review board. 

The board contains advisors, teachers and other students that will basically grade your work. 

“Even if you are unsure about your work or nervous to submit it for publication you can at least get it critiqued which is huge,” senior, Jacob Stewart said. 

Stewart explained that the Literary review is a combination of written work like creative non fiction, fiction, poems and visual. Anything that can be turned into 2D or able to be put into a book.  

“Anything that you write and turn in, they are willing to look at it,” Stewart said. 

Once the board critiques your work then you can revise it and decide if you want to submit it for actual publication. 

The next submission period is from Dec. 1 through the 15. During this time frame you submit work to be considered for publishing. This is the time to submit the final draft of the work for it will not be critiqued. They take a couple months to determine which works will get put into the published book. 

The Literary Review is given out for free on campus. 

Stewart is one student who is submitting work to the review. He is not in the club, but is taking the Literary publishing and editing class on campus. He is also working on the Literary Review marketing and getting students involved. 

“The email to submit works is: and this is the email that you will receive critiques from as well,” Stewart said. 

Stewart gave a helpful tip to look over previous years publications to see what they look for. But, even if you don’t think you want your work published, it is still great to get it critiqued. That is why this month is the time to submit your work.