The beachy side of things


Previously I have discussed the aspects that are related to spending your outdoor time in the mountains, but this time the beach will get its moment in the sunlight as we weigh the benefits and cons of the beach.

The first and most obvious benefit to spending time on the beach is that it is the beach. The sand and the ocean are just a couple steps away from your blanket set up on the shore. The beach offers various activities that can’t be found elsewhere, most specifically surfing.

No where else can you catch waves and spend some time hanging ten. Not to mention that the waves also offer boogey boarding and body surfing for those that don’t know how to surf. These all take place close to the beach and only require a little bit of effort to participate in.

If you are feeling adventurous, going out a little bit farther offers even more water activities to partake in. Snorkeling and scuba diving is notorious for being chock-full of fun. Seeing the various types of aquatic life in their natural habitat out in the serenity of the ocean is one that simply can’t be done in the mountains.

Above the surface of the ocean also lies the motorized sports. Jet skis, sailing, parasailing, fishing and many more all take place out in the ocean and offer yet another unique oceanic getaway.

These all provide ways to spend some time outside and utilize the gargantuan amount of water at your disposal, but if the water isn’t quite your style, there is still plenty to do on the sand.

Lay down in a chair or on a blanket with a book and some music and sun tanning becomes the perfect leisure activity that anyone can appreciate. Bathing in the sun while listening to the waves crash along the shore is serene and therapeutic beyond measure.

After all, the old people of the world move down to the Florida Keys once they retire so that they can just relax their days away, so there must be something to sitting on your butt in the sand and soaking in the rays.

However, if the vacay for you doesn’t involve being a sand potato, beach volleyball, or really any sport at that, is a fantastic way to enjoy the beach and get the blood moving. The sand is soft, depending on the beach, and is the perfect cushion for diving and tackles, making any physical activity easy on the bones. The beach really offers a movie-like picture of euphoria, excitement and joy with the warm weather and beautiful ocean scenery.

But hold the horses, because this is the crutch of the ocean: it’s like a beach vacation movie. There isn’t much to do on the beach other than that.

If you aren’t one for the beach and find skiing and snowboarding more to your taste, it is going to be a tough time adjusting to the change in pace.

The weather also becomes a huge factor when it comes to any beachy fun. If there is a storm a brewing, a bikini that covers about 15% of your body sure isn’t going to keep you warm.

Not to mention that all the water sports become immensely more dangerous and the risk tends to outweigh the fun, especially for people new to the whole surfing scene. To top off all of the cons is the sand.

While it is great to dig holes, build sandcastles and lay on the warm sand, when it gets into your ears, eyes and everything else you brought to the beach it sings a different tune. Getting into bed only to find a sandy outline of your body waiting for you is never comfortable and god forbid it get into your underpants, for the chafe can ruin the entire trip.

So, when it comes to the beach adventure, there are a couple things to consider. While there are several activities unique to the beach, those are just about all the activities you will be doing.

The sand will get into everything, it is inevitable, the mission is to reduce the amount. The weather must be taken more seriously when the beach is on the itinerary and will make or break the trip. However, once these have been figured out, the beach is a wonderful place to get away.

The pros heavily outweigh the cons to all things beachy and for us Coloradans that are landlocked, the beach is the ideal change of scenery for anyone looking to spruce it up or just grab some sun. Give the beach a chance and have some fun, you won’t regret it.