Survival is a must, finals are here


It is that time of year when students and faculty alike consider dropping out, quitting jobs and start worrying about grades. This lovely time of year is what we deem dead week, or finals week. How can the population of Colorado Mesa University (CMU) survive this onslaught of exams, projects and papers when all seems lost?

Well there is a way, though it may seem bleak, and no it does not involve sitting in a corner with your Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate Therapy ice cream crying and contemplating your life choices thus far. That is not surviving, that is giving up hope on this semester.

To survive finals, you need to have the right mindset. Think about this last week, almost everyone you asked, “how are you doing,” responded with “I’m tired,” or “I just want to be done.” Everyone is stressed, so relax and don’t worry, everyone is in the same boat as you. If you are not completely stressed out of your mind, then you are not doing college right.

Once you realize this, you can begin to manage the stress. The first step to doing this is create a priority list. Whichever final you feel is going to be the toughest should be your number one priority. You should spend the most time studying for this exam. My recommendation is to either study for this one first or put it at the end of your list. Whichever placement will give you the most time to study is where you should place it.

After you have prioritized your studying, start studying. Find a quiet place on campus to study. Most people will say the library is a good place to go, which it is, but if there is no room there find a space you are comfortable studying in. Most of the academic buildings have lounges that you can study in. They are relatively quiet and comfortable which is perfect for studying.

Once there, set a timer on how long you want to study. After the timer goes off, take a five to ten-minute break. It is important for you to take a break while studying. It can become monotonous to stare at a screen, book, or notebook for extended periods of time. During this time, take a walk, go get a snack, or catch up on social media. Once you are done with your break repeat the process.

These are vital tips to studying, but to actually survive this week, you need to be able to take care of yourself. Remember, you’re not the only one going through this week. Your friends are there in it with you too. So, if you are able to take an hour-long break, go to lunch with one of your friends. It is a good way to step away from the stress of studying and find support from a group of individuals that care about you.

In addition to hanging out with friends, get into study groups with your classmates. These people know better than anyone else as to what you are going through, especially if the final in the class is hard. This is an excellent way to study, but it also gives you the support you need in class.

Lastly, make sure you get enough sleep. It is really easy to forgo sleep so you can get more studying in, but in the long run it is only going to hurt your performance. You do not want to show up to your final completely exhausted. In this state you are not going to be performing at your full potential and it will reflect on your exam. Make sure to go to bed early and ensure that you get up early enough to get ready for your final.

Finals can be a daunting time of a semester, but they do not need to defeat you. So, put the Ben & Jerry’s ice cream away, grab your notes and start studying. You will survive this season!