Students get their pottery and “mocktails” on

Mug painting and virgin cocktails at CMU Point


Last fall, Fat Cat Pottery held its first annual event at Colorado Mesa University. The event was titled “Pottery and Mocktails” and it returned this year in full force. Pottery and Mocktails is hosted through the CMU Programming Activities Council with the help of the downtown business, located on Main Street.

Jo Kelly, from Fat Cat Pottery, says that as a company here in Grand Junction, they “really like to be involved with the university community.”

She also expressed that the good turn out last year encouraged them to host it again this year.

Pottery and Mocktails is a fun and free event that’s held in the university center. When students arrive at the Point, where the event is held, there are already mugs and paintbrushes placed on the tables. Students choose a seat and then Fat Cat members give everyone their first paint color.

Fat Cat Pottery was kind enough to have maroon and yellow paint, as well as custom Maverick stencils cut out for the students to have logo designs on the mugs. Each mug was designed to enhance Mav spirit. After a few coats of paint, students end up with a gold and maroon CMU mug that they can take home and use for whatever beverage they prefer.

The event also offered mocktails, or virgin cocktails, that everyone can enjoy. The choices were between a Shirley Temple, an Arnold Palmer and a Moscow Mule.

Pottery and Mocktails provides a great opportunity to meet fellow Mavs and establish new friendships.

Ashley Burgon, a junior at CMU, describes the vibrant social aspect of Pottery and Mocktails as “something that I think PAC has at all of their event is a good atmosphere. It’s always so positive, always upbeat, and just something that you can come to and have a good time with all of your friends.”

Pottery and Mocktails, as well as other PAC events, are a great opportunity to get away from your desk. The events are fun and lively, but Pottery and Mocktails was also very laid back and relaxing. This was the perfect event for this week, with midterms going on.

Everyone who showed up was there to relax and have a good time. There was so much laughter in the air and conversations happening all around. The tables were big enough so that different groups of friends could intermingle, but were still small enough so that everyone could have their own space to work and not feel crowded.

Fat Cat Pottery opens this event up to the first 50 people in line. Any student at CMU can attend the Pottery and Mocktail session. The only thing to bring is a MAVCard.

If you missed out on the PAC event, no worries. Fat Cat Pottery offers CMU students a 10 percent discount year-round.