Student Salute: Jake Carmin


by Lehua La’a

Where are you from?

“I’m from Kersey, Colorado-a town of about 1,500 people on the eastern plains.”

What brought you to CMU?

“I had the opportunity to walk on the cross country team, and I had always dreamed of being a collegiate athlete. Well, that and the Grand Valley has some of the best running trails I’ve ever seen.”

According to Facebook, you’re now the ASG Vice president. How long have you been involved with ASG?

“This is my third year in ASG, I started my sophomore year in the [ASG] Senate.”

Can you describe your climb to power?

“After my first term as a senator, I won a four-way race for student trustee. The year after, I lost the election for vice president, but the winners, Josh [Dillinger] and Ben [Linzey], needed a person to craft the student budget so I became the [Fee Allocations Committee] Chair. After Josh resigned at the end of last semester, Ben Linzey appointed me to vice president and he filled the president’s spot. It’s been a roundabout path, but I have learned so much after holding so many positions.”

You definitely have a remarkable resume on hand. What are your aspirations after graduation?

“I am headed to law school, and hope to work in the state legislature after I graduate.

Ultimately, I want to work as a staffer in Congress, but that’s more of a long term goal.”

I like your goals. If you could change one policy (ASG, state or national level), what would it be?

“Oh, that’s a good question. I think changing entitlement agreement for Social Security is going to be a priority for our generation. Kids our age will not likely see benefits, even though we pay into the system.”