Secret study place

This is an opinion and not an attack against the library and the study atmosphere of the library


As a senior, I have gone around the campus finding the perfect study spot. For those late nights during final weeks, those exams that suddenly spring up on you and for all other homework; I have the perfect spot. 

Some college students find their special spot in the Library. But, why would you go there? You can literally feel the stress and anxiety as you look around all the others with their faces glued to their computer screens. Sickness is easily spread through the doorknobs, the tables and the computers. It is basically a germ infested area waiting to contaminate you.

Sure there are study rooms, but you know what is just as good as a study room? Your own home. 

I have heard people say, “I can’t study at my house, I get too distracted.” Well, maybe that is the case for some people. Yet, it is still the best place to study. You just need the right mindset. Not only is it safer – not as many of other people’s germs; though you still have your own disgusting germs floating around – it is also way more convenient. 

Have a test tomorrow? No worries, sit your butt down on a comfy couch, grab a blanket, get some tea and study. Not only are you warm, comfy and sipping tea to relax your soul and keep you calm.

Getting distracted? Snap back and remember you could be comfy and relaxed studying or you could be feeling the stress and anxiety of the library while sitting in an uncomfortable germ infested area surrounded by a ton of other people who don’t want to be doing what they are doing. 

The environment is one of the top things to consider when picking your spot. If I have other people around me with negative energy then I will fall into that energy. I need a positive mindset and this means surrounding myself with positive people and a positive environment. For me, this means being all alone either on my couch or in my bed, my fluffy giraffe blanket and a warm cup of green tea or a lemon lime seltzer drink. This environment gives me the attitude I need to accomplish my tasks at hand. 

People think that studying at home is too distracting and that they won’t get anything done. I disagree. If you want to be happy and comfy and be positive towards studying, the best place is at home. If you have loud roommates then all you need is some good headphones. 

Be smart and study at home. Stay healthy, be comfortable and have positive energy flowing through you as you conquer this semester.