PSA: Dating is tough

and you're probably to blame


Men are from jars, women are from penis… wait, that’s not right, is it?

I know that this subject has been talked about and it’s been chewed over, but can I just say, I’m very confused. Recent events have led me to believe that dating, in general, should be avoided. It’s complicated out there and it’s weird.

There are many things that make dating hard. It’s the awkwardness of getting to know someone, it’s the dating questions and it’s the clear barrier between men and women.

It’s no shock that men and women communicate very differently. Like if someone says they want to see me again, I take their word for it. That’s super silly of me though because men never say what they mean.

They say: “Let’s hang out this week.” They mean: “We’re not going to hang out this week.”

I don’t get upset when someone is uninterested in me. I’m a writer, it’s hard to hurt my feelings. If someone were uninterested in me romantically all they would have to do is tell me, but nobody my age is courteous enough to do that anymore.

If people just said what they meant, life would be very easy. My patience is very low at this point for people who aren’t forward. They bother me.

Here’s my theory: men want to say the most without actually saying anything at all. I don’t understand it. Like if I ask you a question, you should answer instead of saying, “hmm good question.”

What kind of bullsh*t game is that? Honestly, congratulations though because I’m falling for it. It’s that type of thing that keeps me interested, but first, it pisses me off. Are men subconsciously doing this? Do they realize that this just drives us nuts or are they just doing it because they genuinely don’t care? Please fill me in.

I can’t completely blame men for the communication barrier (as much as I’d like to). Women are partially to blame. They over analyze everything, while men under analyze everything. I have synthesized that they just genuinely don’t think about these things.

For instance, I spend a lot of time trying to analyze why people do what they do. Like why does a man message on Instagram when they have my phone number? Or Snapchat? What does it all mean? Is Snapchat the booty call app? Even if you’re not sending pictures but just messages?

This pull towards social media and the internet has also made it increasingly hard to date in our generation. With easy access to people across the world there is nothing stopping us from continually thinking we can do better. Which causes us to never settle on anyone. 

It’s a continuous cycle we all go through and with so many social media sites tying us to one another we never really lose contact with each other which makes going back to a past flick, easy. 

According to wearsocial, there were 2.8 billion global social media users in 2017. With so many messages, photos and online interactions, it’s easy to get lost in translation. 

It’s hard to decode what message someone is trying to convey to you in person. It’s even harder to decode when we are a generation that uses three to four communication apps at a time. It’s a weird time to date guys. 

If you’re going to do it, do it for real though and do it right. Keep in mind that you don’t have to go through the back and forth and the chase and the games.