Best ways to spend Easter with your college family

You can celebrate just like you do with your immediate family


Easter this year is April 1st. Most of Colorado Mesa University students, stay on campus for this holiday. Easter isn’t like what it use to be, when you lived at home. No more Easter egg hunt, goodies from your parents or the nice holiday meal. Well, why does it have to stop with your college family? It doesn’t. There are many celebrations you can do, just like you do with your family!

  1. DO THAT EASTER EGG HUNT- We all know how fun it can be trying to find cute little eggs. Make it a college-themed Easter egg hunt. If you are over 21, fill your Easter eggs with shooters, marijuana joints or gummy bears soaked in vodka. If you aren’t into being under the influence, just fill them with a ton of candy! Why not? Who doesn’t want to find freaking candy in a cute egg? Put cute little notes in the eggs that says something positive to make your friends feel great about themselves. There are so many things you can fill in those little eggs, believe it or not.
  2. COLOR THOSE EASTER EGGS- The biggest tradition of Easter is coloring eggs. You can buy the whole Easter egg coloring kit at any grocery store, Walmart or Target. They aren’t that expensive and neither are eggs. This is a fun way of getting to know your college family even more. Have a contest on who colored the best egg, whoever wins gets a great Easter basket filled with all fun things. Easter baskets are another fun thing to do for your friends, they can be a little expensive, but head to the dollar store, make it a college budget basket. Watch a great classic movie while you are coloring eggs, make it like you are right at home.
  3. HAVE THAT HOLIDAY DINNER OR BRUNCH- Just like Friendsgiving, you gotta have friends Easter meal! My friends and I usually do brunch. We cook casseroles, cinnamon rolls, pancakes, mimosas and more. Last year, the day was clear and we played games outside while we enjoyed our brunch, it was definitely a day I would never forget. Or do dinner! After you do your Easter activities, everyone get together and make the meal! I always think Italian dishes or a ham dinner is the best way to go for Easter. Italian dishes are easy to do in bulk and people will be filled with gooey cheese, pasta and sausage. It’s also pretty cheap to do Italian and super easy. Ham dinners are also great too. Get a honey baked ham, mashed potatoes and gravy and whatever else you think goes great with ham.

Don’t forget to take those Easter holiday pictures with your college family, you don’t want to forget a fun event like this one. Easter can be a great time with all of your friends even if you aren’t with your immediate family. Go to Mass in the morning, have a schedule of fun events, make it a party! I know I will be having a great Easter with all my friends and I hope everyone else at CMU does too.