Project Linus is held by Circle K

50 students attended, 63 blankets were made


In the ballroom of the University Center on Nov. 14, Kiwanis’ collegiate level organization, Circle K Club, hosted Project Linus, a charity project that provides blankets to children in need.

Colorado Mesa University’s Circle K Club, which gained charter status on Sept. 6, recorded 50 students who attended the event through MAVcard swiping, along with several other people of all ages.

“We do our brainstorming, we figure out things that we can do in the community, especially that involve kids,” Circle K Member Jamie Hyatt said.

According to Hyatt, the Circle K Club welcomes any members who want to join. “If you are interested in being a part of more things like this, we really would enjoy having you at our club meetings,” Hyatt said. “We have club meetings currently every other Thursday.”

Project Linus representatives Mike and Kerrie Strasser were present as well. Mike Strasser spoke of the start of CMU’s Circle K Club. “There was maybe ten people, maybe a dozen people there,” he said.

By the end of the Project Linus event, which ran from 6-8 p.m., 63 blankets had been made for needy children.