Moderation and mindfulness while drinking


Typically, college consists of two things: studying and partying. College is a time in our lives when we can be somewhat carefree. The majority of us do not have nearly as many responsibilities as we will down the road.

As a result of fewer responsibilities, many college students go out drinking on the weekends. This can be a good time to bond with friends and relieve some stress.  However, drinking too much can put you and others in danger. Here are some steps I use to make sure I don’t go over my drink limit.

  1. Always have a buddy

I highly recommend bringing a friend with you when you go out. Sometimes it can be hard to determine when you’ve had enough to drink. However, if you have a friend with you, they can recommend you slow down or stop drinking. Having another person’s perspective on your actions can be helpful, especially if you are already intoxicated. Having a buddy can help keep you safe, and you can help keep your buddy safe as well.

  1. Drink water

Alcohol can cause dehydration; that is why people usually don’t feel good after a night of drinking. Drinking water can help you pace yourself while consuming alcohol. I usually try to have a glass of water between every couple drinks. This helps me not get intoxicated too fast and feel better in the morning. Setting out a glass of water by your bed before you leave for the night is always a good idea.

  1.   Pace yourself

Alcohol has a way of sneaking up on you and getting you far more intoxicated than you originally planned. There have been nights I kept drinking because I didn’t feel drunk. Then all of a sudden all of the drinks hit me and I was not in a good place. A way I avoid that is by pacing myself. I pace myself by making sure I take time in between my drinks. Generally, it takes one hour for a serving of alcohol to be metabolized. Therefore, spacing out your drinks can help avoid having the alcohol hit you all at once.

  1. Eat before you drink

Drinking on an empty stomach is never a good idea. The body absorbs alcohol through the stomach lining and small intestine. Therefore, if your stomach doesn’t contain food, it will take less time for the alcohol to kick in. This can cause someone to become intoxicated at a faster rate. A lack of food in your system makes you more likely to become dehydrated. Eating before drinking will help avoid feeling nauseous throughout the night. In addition, food can help dodge a hangover the next day.  

Going out with friends and having a couple drinks can lead to some of the best nights. Just make sure to bring a buddy, stay hydrated, pace yourself, and eat a meal before.