Men’s rugby is an under-appreciated sport on campus. Many students are unaware that CMU even has a men’s rugby team.

Rugby is a high contact sport where players can carry and throw a ball to attempt to score a “try”, which is the term for when the player touches the rugby ball down in the endzone for a score. Similarly to football, players can be tackled, but unlike football the play does not stop when the ball hits the ground.

After having some struggles due to injury last year, the team worked hard in the first few weeks of school to recruit more numbers and fill some depth for their upcoming season. They made a strong appearance at the club fair to recruit new members.

People should join rugby because it’s the best sport in the world. Anyone can play. It doesn’t matter what size you are or how much you know, you can play this sport. As a rugby team we are a family, everyone is just as important. You stand and compete for the person next to you and you win or lose as one.” said senior Tyler Huddleston.

The team holds practice twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:15 p.m.-9:30 p.m. on the CMU Rugby Pitch. They also have weights sessions three times a week to better improve their playing. 

New recruits don’t even have to have any knowledge of rugby to join the team. Oftentimes current players joined from many different sports, or even no sports at all.

I got into rugby through friends and teammates of different sports! I thought it sounded fun so I thought I would give it a try.” senior Britton Burt explained.

The team emphasized that one of the perks of rugby is its diverse nature. There is a spot for everyone on the team, and the men have worked hard to create a welcoming environment for anyone who is interested in playing.

“I stuck around cause unlike other sports you can be any size or shape to play! I’ve played for 9 years now!” team captain Liam Murphy said.

The men got off to a good start on Sept. 16, when they won their first game against Weber State University in blowout fashion 57-26. Fans will get a chance to watch the men at home this week against Colorado School of Mines on the CMU Rugby Pitch. 

Image courtesy of Courtesy of the Men's Rugby Team