iPhone update filled with new changes


by Joe Azar

    The iPhone 7 is not the only newest and greatest addition in the Apple world this week. For those who are not about to pay hundreds of dollars, the free iOS 10 update is out. The update looks and operates differently as soon as the user turns on their phone. With all the new features, there are things people will enjoy and features that will take some getting used to:


Pro: Swipe Left for everything you need

When you first unlock your phone you can swipe left and be taken to a screen that will be quite useful. In an age of instant gratification, swiping left on your phone will give you any saved event on your calendar to see, as well as a choice of other widgets like news and recommended applications to open. All the breaking news from the day and sports scores are immediately at

your disposal, which is a pretty cool way to catch up on the latest happenings on the go.
Pro: Messages have a new twist

Text messages also have an additional aspect to them that spices up an otherwise boring message to your friend or family member. You can now send messages with different effects like confetti, balloons and fireworks. It is not something that is groundbreaking, but it is a fun way to send a “happy

birthday” or “congratulations” text; welcome to the 21st century, everybody.

Cons: The Damn Home Button

Call this a personal annoyance, but I am not too pleased that the home button is the way to unlock your phone. Too many times I tried to swipe my phone only to have the camera pop up. Then when I hit the home button again to unlock the phone, I hit it too hard and the control center pops up. I do not enjoy it, and the new addition is not welcome.

Cons: Photos take longer

Another personal annoyance, and maybe this will get fixed later on, but pictures take a lot longer to download with the new update. To add salt to the wound, you can physically see how slow it is taking to download a photo your friend sent you from a night out. Again, hopefully this will be fixed with time, but for right now, this is a big issue that needs to be resolved.