Future of CMU

CMU's University Center on a calm afternoon

In a race for prestige and greatness, the Colorado Mesa University (CMU) Mavericks are catching up to the likes of the Colorado University (CU) Boulder Buffs, Colorado State University (CSU) Rams and the Colorado University (CU) Denver Lynx. Whether this is for the best, however, is up for just as much debate on what CMU could do to further itself in the race for Colorado prestige.

I would argue that if CMU continues to grow with the honesty they have to this date, the university’s climb up the ranks of state schools would certainly be for the best.

CMU boasts an astonishingly rapid development rate; yet, it is not as astonishing as its willingness to stick to the care and respect the former junior college gave its students.

Despite their growth in population, campus size and courses, CMU has been able to maintain one of the lowest in-state tuitions, further reduced by a plethora of financial aid. CMU has additionally been able to maintain an exceptional ratio of students to teachers, and large amounts of space for students, which may not be accessible to other state school students. 

Likewise, CMU has been extremely transparent in the past and works to avoid controversy to this date. Rather than appearing in the news because of giant student riots during a pandemic, CMU has been praised for proactively renaming the former “Walker Field” at the head of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement.

Actions such as this despite their growing amount of issues to deal with, prove the administration’s steady commitment to the betterment of the university and the student population, rather than simply benefiting off of or ignoring the students.

This evident care and effort show that CMU is not only ready for expansion but should in order to raise standards for other state colleges. The important question now, is what should CMU focus on as they grow?

Real-world work programs such as the culinary and hospitality management program through the Hotel Maverick are perfect examples of what CMU should focus on.

Though building more lecture halls and accommodations for students are clear pathways, CMU could make themselves stand out if they were to focus on expanding on these real-world experience programs. 

Not only are they much more impressive and competitive on applications for future jobs or additional schooling, but interactive programs directly related to the student’s chosen field are much more engaging. 

Creating hands-on education opportunities for students ranging from business to forest management on or nearby campus for students with or without cars would make CMU graduates much more capable than many other college graduates. 

A continuation of CMU’s traditional values, annexed with innovative, real-world programs would bring a large amount of prestige and even future students to the growing university.