Exercise is medicine: Take a hike


You’ve heard the phrase before “take a hike”, usually when being said, this phrase is indicating that someone or something wants you gone as soon as possible.

In today’s world, it is tough to read when someone is yanking your chain or being serious and sometimes it is best to go ahead and get lost in the journey of actually taking that hike.

When it comes to oneself and how busy your day is, how stressed out you may be, or you just need a break from everyday life, why not just take a hike? You may have to be that person for yourself that tells you to get lost and get out there.

Now when you tell yourself to take a hike, that doesn’t mean to be negative towards yourself and think badly about the work you are doing, or the life you are living. It’s simply slowing down and telling yourself that sometimes it is needed to get away from the world and de-stress.

De-stressing comes in many forms such as art, working out, reading, listening to music, meditating, the list goes on and on and depends on the person. However, there is something calming and blissful about hiking.

Some people may think, “Well I don’t have the means to hike because it is not for me,” or, “It costs money that I don’t have to get to a hiking location where I live.” Though these may be true thoughts, going for a hike doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be in the wilderness setting.

The definition of a hike is a long walk primarily focused in the outdoors or wilderness. Focus on the words long and walk. These two words can tell you everything you need in order to take a hike.

Psychologically, hiking can be such a relief, a time for your mind to relax, a time to gather your thoughts and think out of this world ideas that you would otherwise not think of sitting in a cubicle for eight hours a day.

Physically, depending on how long you walk and what terrain you are walking upon, hiking can have astronomical positive health outcomes as well.

While getting your move on and de-stressing from the real world, it is paramount to understand that if you are hiking in the wilderness, safety is a huge key of enjoying the hike.

Always be aware of wildlife, take lots of water, and above all, respect and honor your surroundings by staying on the trail and letting nature be.

Wilderness hikes are a marvelous and often times stunning way to get your movement in, clear your mind, and get active, but hiking out in the mountains or natural terrains are not the only places you can go in times of need of a decent exercise and positive mental health session.

Locally, you can go to your public mall and walk the length of the interior a few times and that can be considered a hike. You can go to a public park and follow the mileage signs and hike the exact distance you want for the time being.

Say you work in an office building that has stairs and multiple floors, hike the stairs or even get out into the parking lot and boast about there.

Hiking simply does not have to be on a trail somewhere no one can find you. Hiking can be anywhere you want it to be as long as it is doing what needs to be done, helping you improve physically and mentally.

There is an ample amount of ways to exercise and become healthy and if you are thinking about beginning a workout program or exercising in general, taking a hike can be a great foundation to prepare your body for what’s to come.

Never shy away from the fact that a simple hike is a great way to exercise. Hiking is fun and very beneficial not only physically, but mentally as well.

Drink water, enjoy life, clear your mind and help yourself become a better person inside and out.

And above all, move, or in other words, take a hike.

Image courtesy of Lucas Vader | The Criterion