On May 15, 2020 the Colorado Mesa University (CMU) Board of Trustees voted unanimously not to raise costs for students for the 2020-2021 school year. The vote included both tuition and room & board (R&B).
“CMU is known throughout Colorado as a university that is committed to serving first-generation and low income students,” CMU President Tim Foster said. “The global pandemic is harming middle and low-income families the most, and we believe raising tuition this year, given that fact, would send the wrong message at the wrong time when higher education is needed now more than ever.”
According to College Tuition Compare, a number of notable Colorado colleges decided to raise the cost of attendance for the 2020-2021 school year.
Western Colorado University, Colorado School of Mines, Regis University, University of Colorado Boulder and Colorado State University all increased their tuitions, as well as their R&B costs, by single digit percentages.
Adams State University did not increase in-state tuition, but did increase their out-of-state tuition and R&B by just under 2%, respectively. Fort Lewis voted to decrease their tuition, but not R&B.
“Tuition rates are determined based on a whole suite of factors — most of which are not known at this time. What we do know is our commitment to affordability will not change,” Foster said.