by Alec Williams
The Associated Student Government (ASG) of CMU held its weekly meeting this past Wednesday. Roll was called and the meeting began with public input from Betty Dolan, a former member of ASG and CMU alumna. Dolan asked the senators for larger options and outlets for senior citizens on campus. The senators discussed this and offered Dolan ideas including starting a club and reaching out to current students. Vice President Ben Linzey informed Dolan that a club for older students was in the process of being created and encouraged her to join.
President Josh Dillinger announced plans for an on-campus memorial dedicated to students who have died while enrolled at CMU. Dillinger asked for volunteers to head the project, as his schedule did not allow him to do so himself.
Vice President Linzey turned the conversation towards the 10 open ASG senate seats which will be voted upon Sept. 14 – 16. The ongoing creation of “MavOut Fridays” was also discussed, a holiday where school merchandise would be given out in an effort to bolster student school spirit on campus.
Senate Leader Brooke Houston called for a vote to approve purchasing polo shirts for the senators and ASG staff, which would cost $1,500. After some discussion the shirt purchase was approved.
Fee Allocation Committee Chair Jake Carmin discussed the preparations for the biennial process of how funds would be awarded to student organizations. An appeal process would be offered to organizations starting eight weeks from the meeting. ASG specifically would see the budget on Dec. 7.
Director of External Affairs Rykel Menor offered for senators to consider offering more ASG sponsored events. “I know ASG will sometimes come off as like a pretentious org, so we want to do fun stuff, like ‘popcorn on the plaza,’” Menor said.
The meeting was concluded with a discussion started by Senator Libby Bierbaum on improving student involvement in homecoming, an event that has been characteristically lacking in previous years. Considerations offered included a free shuttle for students downtown provided by MavRides and reaching out to organizations to drum up support.
The ASG meeting was concluded with various announcements, including a reminder to promote the elections. “For elections it really is up to us to get people involved, it is how we reflect our org,” said Linzey.