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Posted on: April 28th, 2014 No Comments

ASG Update: Final touches made to bylaws

With only two more meetings until the newly-elected ASG takes over, the current staff went through a lackadaisical night.

There were no bills passed rather, four bylaw amendments went through a third and final read, and four others were read for the second time, all of which were unanimously voted for by the 23 present senators.

ASG 13-68 and ASG 13-70 were two in the same. Both bills called to change a discrepancy between the constitution and bylaws stating a freshman/sophomore requirement for the FAC chair. Though it is unclear where the wording originated all, ASG regulations now read the correct requirement, including the class standing of junior/senior for FAC chair.

ASG 13-69 was a vocabulary issue. If the school were to be audited they could not pay its employees in stipends, or pay-per-work. In order to follow the law, the wording on how the ASG cabinet is paid was changed to read ‘compensation.’

“If the school were to go through audit,” Senator Lindsey Karp said, “changing the vocabulary from stipend to compensation is to make sure the school doesn’t face any trouble and that ASG executives are still compensated.”

Lastly, ASG 13-75 was made in change for the upcoming biennial process. Previously, if a club or an organization disagreed with what it was allocated from FAC  would have been up a creek without a paddle. The amendment created enacted an official appeal process if a club has a legitimate reason to request more money than what FAC deems itneeds.

“The change here was to make the process more like a town or city council,” Karp said. “It’s fair to the clubs and makes our process a little more official.”


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