Located in: Features
Posted on: April 14th, 2014 No Comments

Featured Foreign Maverick: Roy Abergil

Photo by Brian Wise


Roy Abergil

Meitar, Israel

School: Colorado Mesa University

(international student, not foreign exchange)

Major: Business Management

What is the biggest difference between Israel and the U.S.?

The people. People are more nice here and say thank you for everything and sorry. It’s different. In Israel, no one would hold the door for you, you know what I mean?

What would you typically eat in Israel?

We have a lot of different kind of food. My favorite is like a burrito but with different dressing. Couscous is good. You could say that it’s a main food.

Would you rather live one 1,000-year life, or ten 100-year lives?

A thousand years, because I love my life.

Would you rather eat chocolate-flavored poop or poop-flavored chocolate?

Chocolate-flavored poop, because it tastes like chocolate, you know?

If you didn’t play soccer on the CMU team, what sport would you play?

If not soccer, nothing.

Would you rather be able to speak any language fluently or talk to animals?

Talk to animals, because I don’t trust people.

Where else have you been in the U.S.?

California, Arizona, Vegas.

Can you pinpoint the best meal of your life?

Yeah, I was in the army in Israel. We went for like a week where we ate only bread and tuna. We walked over 100 miles in a week. When we came back the cook made us a huge lunch, like seven kinds of meat and rice and pasta and everything. It was great. I ate it, and then I went to sleep for like 20 hours.

If you weren’t going to school, what would you be doing?

Playing soccer professionally.





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