Located in: Opinions
Posted on: March 9th, 2014 No Comments

Escape Art: Roommates


Evan, It’s my first time going over to my girlfriend’s house to hang out with her and her roommates. As soon as I walked in the door and “met” them, I realized that I’ve previously had one-night-stands with both of them. I don’t think any of them are aware of my past relations with the others. How do I keep my girlfriend from finding out and/or getting angry about it?

Your secret plan to bang the entire household has been foiled and now the jig is up.

Not really, but it is very surprising that you had no idea that all these girls live together.

This is just a really awkward coincidence. If anything, it shows that they all share qualities that you find attractive. Of course they live together and are friends.

There is totally going to be a very awkward conversation the next time your girlfriend and her roommates have a chance to talk amongst themselves. There probably isn’t anything you can do to prevent your girlfriend finding out about your carnal knowledge of her roommates.

There isn’t anything you can do about her feeling a little uncomfortable about it either. It is a pretty weird scenario to find out that someone you either have slept with or plan to sleep with has already slept with your roommates or close friends. It’s like they got a sneak preview to a movie you were really excited about seeing. (God forbid they give her a sneak preview as to how you are in the sack, which would certainly take some of the fun out of your initial zesty encounter with your new lady.)

It might not be a bad idea to acknowledge that you’re not meeting them for the first time. When that awkward question comes up as to how you know them, just be honest and say that the two of you (or three of you, depending on how you look at it) met and had a thing once. Obviously, those things are in the past, and it’s not like you’re actively cheating on your girlfriend with her roommates. She totally has the right to be uncomfortable about it, but she doesn’t really have the right to be mad at you about it. It’s not like you planned this.

Now, different people have different opinions of casual encounters. The fact that you’re dating this girl instead of having a one-night stand with her may say something about her standards, but it can also say something about yours. While you may have done the hit-it-and-quit-it thing in the past, you’re evidently interested in something different with this girl, so make sure you mention that.

As long as you reassure your girlfriend that sex is not your primary goal with her and that your past encounters with her friends won’t linger in the present, you should be fine.


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