Located in: Opinions
Posted on: November 3rd, 2013 No Comments

Bigotry displayed at local Asian eatery

Grand Junction’s Zen Garden is well known for its oriental atmosphere and unrivaled sushi bar. However, it’s perhaps better known for their eccentric and incredibly rude waitress.

Visiting the restaurant for the first time for a takeout order, I was excited to expand my dining options with what my roommate assured would not be a waste of my money. Upon entering, I was relatively impressed with the overall effort put into décor, but my attention was directed elsewhere when a waitress asked my African American roommate if had ordered the chicken. Immediately taken aback, I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt, assuming that there was indeed a chicken dish prepared for somebody else. Unfortunately, my first impression proved accurate, and the horrible service continued.

After being scolded for not giving her adequate time to flip her notebook for my order, I was promptly told to, “Pay up. It’s not free here.” While hesitant to do so, I continued giving her the benefit of the doubt, knowing full well that working in a restaurant all day can really wear your patience thin. However, the blatant disregard for customer service continued after I signed the receipt when I was told to fill in the tip box after being threatened with a twenty percent charge. I promptly filled in $0.00.

Not wanting to sit in the restaurant any longer than necessary, my roommate and I opted to sit in the car while our food was being prepared. Reentering, the waitress called my roommate’s order and then immediately held it back as he approached. She then called my name, handed me my bag, and then gave my roommate permission to approach. It was one of the most blatant acts of racism I’d seen at an eating establishment in my entire life. Not wanting to stir up more trouble than necessary, we quickly headed for the door while our waitress wished us a good night with a condescending tone and smirk.

On the ride home, as I forked orange chicken into my mouth, I was admittedly impressed with the quality and flavor of the food, but I couldn’t help but feel that the order had been tainted by poor and inexcusable service.

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