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Posted on: November 3rd, 2013 No Comments

ASG Update

The student senate saw its busiest session yet on Oct. 30, where senators passed three bills and moved to indefinitely table another at Wednesday night’s meeting.

Senators unanimously approved the passage of Bill 13-14, which will grant $3,419.85 from SCRF to the Student Veterans Association in order to cover costs associated with advertising the upcoming All Services Ball, to be held on Nov. 8.

“Last year we requested $5,000, so you can see this is a significant decrease and we’ll continue to ask for less each year,” Student Veterans Association president, Barry Teeple, said.

“We think [the All Services Ball] reflects credit upon the SVA and the university as a whole,” Teeple said.

Also making it successfully across the Senate floor in a 17-1 vote was Bill 13-15, which allows for $100 to be taken from the ASG operating budget for the purchase of 15 tickets to the Compost Facility Reception Fundraiser which happened Friday. The tickets were available for ASG members who wanted to attend the fundraiser.

“The reception is educational, we’re showing a short film, having a panel discussion and talking about how you can compost at home,” said Sustainability President and Senator Ryan McConnell, who sponsored the bill on Wednesday.

In another 17-1 vote, the Senate also passed Bill 13-16, allowing for $712.01 to be taken from the ASG operating budget in order to purchase refreshments and food at an upcoming ASG event on Nov. 9 which will feature guest speaker, Steven Hayward.

“We are expecting to have 300 people [at this event],” ASG President Ariel Diamond said. “We have people travelling from all over Colorado to come to this event, and it’s early in the morning, so I think it’s a nice gesture.”

In old business, the Senate decided to table Bill 13-12 indefinitely, in a motion made by Senate Leader Connor Boe. The bill would have allowed for a change in ASG bylaws, granting proxy votes to Montrose and WCCC senators, who are generally absent from ASG’s weekly meetings.

Bill 13-12 originally made it successfully across the Senate floor the three times required for it to go into effect, but members of Internal Committee recently decided that there were problems with the bill that the bylaw writing didn’t address, according to Diamond.

Members of Internal Committee discussed the lack of specifics in the bill, such as the number of times a proxy vote can be granted and what Senate discussion does to the proxy vote, which is cast in advance.

“With a bylaw like this, you can’t edit the words as you go because the first version passed is the only thing you can work with, so if you want to make any amendment to the wording, you have to kill it and start over,” Diamond said.

ASG members will refer to what other school’s constitutions stipulate in regards to proxy voting before redrafting the bill in the near future.

In an update to last week’s meeting in which senators rejected Bill 13-13, which would have granted $1,500 to Sociology Club to bring a guest speaker to campus in the spring: Sociology Club members presented their request to Conference Committee Monday, where it was decided that the club would receive the $2,620 club members were originally denied by the Club Advisory Board.



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