Located in: Opinions
Posted on: October 20th, 2013 No Comments

Queer Quips: Bisexual, not confused

People often look at bisexuality as a confused state in which someone has not yet decided which way they want to swing. This has been a way of thinking that I have never understood. Human sexuality is something that should be viewed as fluid. It is not  black and white. There is a grey area that needs to be taken into account.

Many accuse bisexuals of being greedy. They get to enjoy the perks of sexual relations with each sex, so many are quick to assume that this means they are sexually promiscuous. This is not the case. Being bi is not about sleeping with everyone you come into contact with. All it means is you have more options, and there is no reason to feel ashamed about that.

Too often I find that bisexuals face discrimination from both the gay and straight community. Both communities lack understanding for this sexual preference, demanding that bi individuals choose a side or get out of their state of confusion. The fact of the matter is bi people are not confused. They know what they want. And who is to judge them for having sexual attractions to both men and women?

I used to be one of those people that thought bisexual people were just confused. For some reason, every time I met a bi guy, I would become infuriated at the fact that he just couldn’t make up his mind. This was until I started being patient and taking the time to truly understand bisexual individuals.

My close friend explained to me some of the troubles of being bi, saying that it is hard to find someone who can accept it in a relationship because of the stigma society has placed on bi-individuals. People often have a hard time trusting bisexual partners because they worry about promiscuity. This creates problems with dating either sex. On one hand, if you date a girl, she has a fear that you may leave her for a guy, and if you date a guy, he has the same fear, except opposite.

What people do not understand is that sexuality is not simply one way or another. There is an entire spectrum of human sexuality that exists based on attractions for each sex. There is no reason to feel ashamed of having feelings of equal attraction for each sex. If everyone were to open their mind a little bit, then people who self identify as bisexual people would face a lot less discrimination and negative stigmas.



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