Located in: Opinions
Posted on: September 1st, 2013 No Comments

Understanding feminism as a means to improve society

Do you understand what feminism is? Perhaps you think feminists are angry Tumblr users with cropped hair, a hatred for everything Caucasian and male and possessing a desire for women to be in charge of men. Here’s the thing – none of these traits have anything to do with feminist ideology. These traits – mostly the former couple – have more to do with radical feminism.

From now on, I’ll refer to people with these traits as “radicals,” rather than “radical feminists.” I do this simply because if somebody is irrational enough to be radical about anything, it doesn’t even matter what they’re radical about. They’re extreme, too extreme, for most of my readers to even want anything to do with.

Feminists want women to be equal to men. This also means that they want men to be equal to women. There isn’t any sort of agenda in moderate feminism for men to be pushed to the sidelines.

Something that really offends a lot of people is the concept of “rape culture.” Rape culture is the notion that sexual violence is normalized or in some cases excused by society. Your first thought upon hearing this may be, “I’ve never raped anyone. Why are feminists accusing me of perpetuating this culture?” Here’s the issue: Nobody in particular can be blamed. It’s simply part of our culture.

People are quick to deny that, but think of occasions such as CNN blaming the victim in the Steubenville trial, or the US Department of Justice’s study, “The Sexual Victimization of College Women,” which showed that one in four women will have been sexually assaulted by the time they’re done with college. The latter is actually a really informative read, and a well-done study. I’d call that undeniable evidence. Rape is literally the norm. Feminists work for it to be fixed. It requires work from all parties, and awareness is half the battle.

Nobody is trying to seize control and recreate your comfortable life, except maybe radicals. All I ask that you take from feminism is the notion that things are unfair, and for you to consider and understand these ideals.

Our society can be improved, but this can only happen if people from all walks of life listen to what others have to say. It is only through the understanding of your fellow that true social progress can be made.

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