Located in: Opinions
Posted on: September 1st, 2013 No Comments

“You’re Next” to disappointment


“You’re Next” by Director Adam Wingard is just one more film in a long line of disappointing thrill seeks. Promising to twist the overdone home invasion plot, “You’re Next”’s only accomplishment was to regurgitate all the same old tricks into a messy and poorly thought-out story with a cast who can barely sell their own acting.

While the film has boasted a steady score of 74 percent on Rotten Tomatoes, it hasn’t done much to transform the fast-paced cat and mouse genre that American’s have become particularly fond of. Sure, the filming plays with all our silly nighttime anxieties, and the music propels us to creep closer to the edge of our seat as the incredibly brave (or stupid) cast member peeks under the bed, but you can’t slap a petting zoo mask on a killer and call it groundbreaking.

For all that though, there is something to be said about the trapped family’s comedic dysfunctionalism. In fact, it may be the only thing that gives the movie any decent momentum. Between piercing crossbow shots and machete swings to the face, it’s nice to laugh at the festering qualms of brother’s reacquainted for a reunion they never saw coming.

As the film reaches its climactic end, there is a glimmer of hope that underdog Erin, played by Sharni Vinson, might just drive the necessary twist to bring the movie home. Don’t get your hopes up too much though. In classic Hollywood horror fashion, the movie yanks all plausible and fitting endings out the door and replaces them with a surprise begging for a frustrated storm out.

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