Located in: Opinions
Posted on: August 25th, 2013 No Comments

Editorial: Strengthening the relationship between university and city

According to Wikipedia, Symbiosis is a close and often long-term interaction between two or more different biological species.
Right now, Colorado Mesa University and the City of Grand Junction are two species that share a living space but have only scratched the surface of a symbiotic, mutually beneficial relationship. While the economic benefits are showing, the social ones have yet to solidify.
CMU has extremely diverse resources like gyms, auditoriums and open grassy spaces. These are all perfect for putting on events and social gatherings, and CMU is maximizing on them as best it can, but what about the rest of the community in the Grand Valley? Surely they could maximize on that potential too.
This is why we propose a partnership between the City of Grand Junction Parks and Recreation, which organizes and provides spaces for community events, and CMU. Allow for CMU spaces to be available just like various city facilities, to the community. Why would a group based in downtown Grand Junction want to book an event all the way out at Canyon View park when there is large, grassy and abundant space right here on campus?
Conversely, imagine if CMU events like the various stampede week events, as well as ones put on by various clubs and organizations were happening in the parks spread all over the nearby Grand Junction community. This will get tons of CMU students out into the city of Grand Junction for something other than the bar or the club. Then they can find new, fun things to do and feel welcome and at home in the Grand Valley, rather than just on campus. Grand Valley residents can enjoy the same benefit by experiencing various CMU facilities and spaces without having to enroll in classes.
This partnership will result in a symbiotic relationship of great economic and social benefit to the city of Grand Junction and Colorado Mesa University, entities that this staff looks forward to being unified as a single community.

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