Located in: Features
Posted on: May 5th, 2013 No Comments

Watson, Heykoop plan for future after failed ASG bid

Candidates Brian Watson and Cassie Heykoop may not have won the election for 2013-2014 ASG President and VP, but they remain undeterred in their desire to offer as much as they can to the CMU community.
Neither member of the presidential team had any student government experience when they decided to run for office this spring. However, they both had held other leadership positions and had been heavily involved in the community. They made the unlikely decision to run together in hopes to bring a fresh voice to the CMU student body.
“Our big goals were connecting the campus with the community a little more and reaching campus groups that aren’t being touched by ASG,” Heykoop said. “Because Brian and I came from very different social and academic groups, we really wanted to integrate them and work as one very big team.”
When it came time to announce their candidacy, Watson and Heykoop decided not to take their campaign too seriously. They kept things fun by posing side-by-side with a buffalo head in one campaign photo and other clever campaign material.
“I am glad that we just kind of did it our own way,” Heykoop said. “We kept it very light-hearted and laid back the whole time, which I believe made it a more enjoyable learning experience. Neither of us are very used to self-promotion, so that was kind of new, but it was a great time.”
When the polls closed, 1,030 people had cast their vote for next year’s President and VP. Four hundred eighteen (40.58%) voted for Watson-Heykoop, and 612 (59.42%) chose Diamond-Pulido as next year’s ASG leaders.
“I’m just really really proud that so many people voted,” Watson said. “Last year, we were at like 700, and this year over 1,000 kids showed up to vote.”
Next year, they will keep busy with a lot of the same things that occupied them this year. Watson will continue working with the Good Samaritan Clinic, a free medical clinic in Grand Junction, The Colorado Leadership Network, an organization that he started, and the DTA board for downtown.
“I just have about a year left to help make a difference,” Watson said. “Hopefully,I can use my resources within the community to help students get internships, jobs and connect them back to the community.”
As for Heykoop, she will continue to edit for Horizon Magazine and start a new off-campus job.
Looking back, they have no regrets for their run at student government and offer congratulations to Ariel Diamond and Ashley Pulido.
“I think government is important because it puts you in a position to make a difference,” Watson said. “The position is to be a voice of the student body.”


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