Located in: Opinions
Posted on: April 14th, 2013 No Comments

‘Evil Dead’ thrills audience with vicious visuals, but writing falls flat

Horror film fanatics have nothing to be disappointed about with the 2013 Evil Dead remake. “Evil Dead” delivers everything that a modern horror film should.

Fans of the cult classic horror franchise will be surprised to see how good the modern take of the film actually is. The film may be so well received due to the fact that the director of the original Evil Dead, Sam Raimi, produced this remake as well.

The story takes a different angle from the original with the male protagonist David (Shiloh Fernandez) going out into the wilderness to his family’s cabin with friends to get his drug-addicted sister Mia (Jane Levy) isolated and sober. After a book of pure evil is found and opened in the cabin, Mia begins seeing evil omens, driving her out into the wilderness and making her become possessed by the demons. From then on, craziness ensues.

The rest of the movie features some of the most horrifically graphic and realistic scenes I have ever seen in a modern-day horror film. But not to worry, “Evil Dead” is not just one of those horror movies like Eli Roth’s “Hostel,” where all you experience is gruesome imagery with a minimum amount of scares in between. This movie delivers in both aspects with scares that will have you jumping out of your seat.

Newcomer director Fede Alvarez uses great imagery in the film and makes the viewer become invested in the characters’ horrific struggles they face while stranded in a small, broken-down cabin in the middle of nowhere.

Actress Jane Levy delivers as Mia also being the main antagonist while possessed. For a remake of a movie that was particularly campy, and what some would even call cheesy, the acting is surprisingly good.

The film falls short in the fact that some characters are not very well developed. While some have an entire backstory, others fade into the background, although they play an important part to the overall plot. This really is the only main complaint I have about the film.

Overall, the “Evil Dead” remake takes risks in changing the storyline of the original while adding plot twists, but ultimately delivers. If you’re a horror movie junky looking for a movie with lots of gore, a somewhat strong plot and scares that make you jump, “Evil Dead” is just that.

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