Located in: Features
Posted on: April 7th, 2013 No Comments

Some Bull: ASG brings the dank

CMU ASG discussed bill 12-420 this Wednesday, which would allocate $30,000 to supply attendees over the age of 21 at the Macklemore concert on April 20 with marijuana and related paraphernalia.

“Members of the student government feel that with such a high-profile concert on such an important holiday, certain traditions should be followed,” said ASG President Telbe Storbeck after the bill passed effortlessly through FAC on April 1. “It’s ASG’s responsibility to determine the importance of this kind of stuff and facilitate it accordingly.”

The bill would allocate $28,000 to purchase 3,500 grams of marijuana, each gram to be distributed to concertgoers 21 and up. Also, $1,500 will be used to rent glass bongs and pipes from local businesses, and $500 will be used to purchase marijuana grinders, rolling papers, and most importantly, roach clips.

While ASG debates the pros and cons of supplying a concert crowd with all of the “dankest” necessities to enjoy their 4/20 holiday, various student and administration leaders have voiced feelings on the bill.

Vice President of Student Services John Marshall acknowledged that even with the freedoms granted by last year’s Amendment 64, the public consumption of marijuana is still illegal in Colorado.

“I know we’re going to have a lot of students and public breaking the law out there, but it’s completely infeasible to expect police forces to control a crowd where so many people are consuming drugs.”

Marshall alluded to the fact that, if police were to attempt to cite individuals using drugs in the crowd, only a fraction of violators would be ticketed and removed.

“We do want to have a crowd at this thing, you know,“ Marshall added.

Not all student leadership is on the cannabis wagon though. Natural Sciences and Biology Senator Ryan McConnell had harsh words for the bill and its proponents.

“This is the crap that makes college students look bad,” McConnell said. “Aside from the fact that marijuana has absolutely no positive benefit for anyone, it’s federally illegal.” McConnell spent almost four hours filibustering the bill at ASG’s general assembly meeting last Wednesday.

“This body is supposed to represent the interests and academics of the students here, but now it seems all we represent is lazy stoners,” McConnell said.

“That square really seemed to harsh everyone’s vibe Wednesday night,” Director of Student Life Mitch Karstens said Friday morning.

The bill continues to be a hot button topic of the student governing body and “will be of highest priority for discussion at upcoming meetings,” Storbeck said.

(Some Bull is a satire piece. Quotes and stories are not real.)


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