Located in: Features
Posted on: March 10th, 2013 No Comments

Running club jogs onto campus

There are many different forms of exercise that the Maverick Center caters to, weights, spin bikes and the like. Now, in addition to the running track on the second floor, the Maverick Center has started a program for runners.

“A lot of people who are new to running don’t have the friends or support to get into it,” Manager of Fitness and Wellness Kylie Kegans said.

The program is designed to offer the support that people need to maintain this kind of a workout.

“I have routes for two to six mile loops,” Kegans said. “All levels are welcome.”

Kegans has also made maps that the runners can take with them if they need, but the routes are designed to be simple.

“One of our routes is North to 1st to Patterson to Orchard,” Kegans said. “I try to make them as simple as possible.”

On top of the ease of the route, the loops are designed to allow the runners to easily head back to campus if needed.

“If they try to do a longer loop but aren’t feeling it that day, they can easily cut back to campus down one of the side streets,” Kegans said.

The program increases its distance bi-monthly but is not a competitive team.

“If you’re coming every time, then you are progressing slowly,” Kegans said.

The program is not designed to push runners into extreme fitness, like some running clubs, but just help the runners to get into and stay in shape.

“They have to be motivated enough to stick with it,” Kegans said.

However, Kegans does want the runners to do more than just get in shape with this program.

“There is an indoor triathlon on the 27th and 28th. I hope this is a way for people to prepare for it,” Kegans said.

After the runs, the group meets back at the Maverick Center.

“We stretch a bit afterwards, then hang out and talk,” Kegans said. “We tend to linger.”

The club meets for runs every Tuesday at noon and every Thursday at 4 p.m. The group meets at the drinking fountain in the lobby until five after before leaving. A waiver of liability must be signed prior to first participation. For more information, contact Kegans at 970-248-1234.


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