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Posted on: February 24th, 2013 No Comments

Double-teaming love with Alyssa and Levi: Changing for love


Alyssa Chambers
This year I moved in with my boyfriend and, for the most part, things have gone really well. However, there is one thing that seems to be coming between us. . . mornings.

I’m not a morning person. There is nothing enticing to me about rising with the sun, basking in the smell of cheap coffee and feeling the painfully chilled morning air when I retrieve my morning paper. However, thanks to school, work and life, I’m forced to answer to my 8 a.m. alarm clock each morning, take an agonizing shower and drag myself out into the world.

My boyfriend, on the other hand, tends to be chipper and full of energy after a night’s rest, so he struggles to understand the “grumpy when tired” sign that hovers over my head. He often tries to share his enthusiasm with me by forcing conversation into my morning routines. Needless to say, this ends in a quarrel more often than not.

I then spend the rest of the day feeling bad for having jumped down his throat. So, in an effort to put an end to these morning battles, I am publically pledging to become a morning person.

You see, as humans, we are continuously striving to be the best versions of ourselves that we can be. Morning-Alyssa is not a pretty or kind person. It’s a flaw in my character to allow my own exhaustion and slow-rising optimism to ruin the mood of someone I care about.

My boyfriend is one of the kindest and most optimistic people I have ever had the privilege to know. I learn a lot about myself by simply observing him. I see the good qualities that he possesses and that I lack, and I become motivated to better myself by improving on that trait. I also see qualities in him that are flawed but that he’s trying to improve on. That’s how I know I’m with the right person: he motivates me to be the best version of myself not only for myself, but also for him and for our relationship.

Changing for someone isn’t always a bad thing. Sometimes, it’s the grandest display of your affection.

Levi Meyer
I’m a legend.

You might know me as the bodacious babe wrangler. Or maybe you remember me as the ferocious fox hunter. I’ve spent my college life trying to land nines and 10s, all to honor “the thrill of the chase.” I’ve worked tirelessly to be the cool cat who makes the ladies purr. I’ve had varying degrees of success and polarizing degrees of fulfillment.

With that said, I announce my retirement. In the biggest game of my illustrious career to date, I came up short. My pride and insecurity ruined a meaningful relationship, and my need to be the cool guy landed me flat on my face.

Now, it’s time to hang up the swag and put the ego to sleep.

As a confident college man looking for a quality relationship, it’s important to make a few changes.

First of all, trash the cocky act. It’s easy to become pompous and self-centered when stuck in the single life. But when you find the right girl, life isn’t just about you anymore. You’re in charge of the emotions and needs of second party, so accommodate accordingly. If you have the wall of swag up all the time, there’s no way to let someone special in.

Secondly, learn to control your slobbery mouth.

Sometimes, you need to speak up. Tell her how you feel, no matter how cheesy or uncool it makes you look. Everyone needs a little reassurance from time to time, so make sure you let her know how much she means to you.

Other times, you need to shut up. As a pseudo-misogynist, this part is extremely difficult. You know that guy on campus with the Superman tank top and the backwards Corona snapback who is hated by all the ladies despite his extremely good looks? He’s hated because he can’t control his flapper.

His “teasing” and belittling might get the ladies into his bedroom, but it won’t get them into his heart.

Although chasing dimes is fun, finding a good girl to truly connect with means much more. Let go of the ego – that’s how real legends are made.

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