Located in: Opinions
Posted on: February 10th, 2013 No Comments

Editorial: Use technology respectfully

The greatest invention of man is the Internet. Can anyone name something that can’t be done via online interactions? You can literally do whatever you want online: get a college degree, donate money, buy anything you want. The Internet is one thing that keeps you connected with loved ones who are overseas or the ones across the mountains. And as college students, let’s face it, the first thing we do when we get up and the last thing we do before we fall asleep is explore the web.

Sadly, people are starting to use such powers for more evil than good. For the most part, it’s not possible to censor what is said online, and people with the most hate within them are the ones posting the most hurtful things.

Social media is always the perfect example of this. Has there ever been a well-constructed debate on Facebook? It always turns into nasty name-calling and bad threats. When someone posts about the Broncos, the following three comments are about how stupid they are for being a fan and how bad the Broncos are. Sometimes it’s friendly smack talk between friends, but it usually turns ugly.

Look at Twitter on days such as Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. If you search tweets about him, there are many racist comments and too much appreciation for getting a day off from school. It’s also sad that we turn a celebration into nonsense via comments online.

The newest trend right now is the app Lulu, a place where girls can rate guys on qualities such as humor, appearance and commitment. It’s not that girls are bad for judging guys, because guys do it, too. But why does anybody have the right to judge someone? And why would you want to spew hate for someone on a silly app?

Communication is a beautiful thing when it’s done right. But no matter where we go online, whether it’s Facebook, blog posts, or the comment sections of a story, there is too much hatred being spread around for someone to feel right. We have this power to do amazing things, but we use it for messed-up comments and posts.

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