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Posted on: February 10th, 2013 No Comments

Double-Teaming Love: Tips for a successful V-day


Alyssa Chambers

As women, when Valentine’s Day approaches, we often find ourselves dreaming of roses, horse-drawn carriages and grand proposals. We’re put under a romantic spell every February that intensifies our expectations of our significant others and veils us from the reality of our relationship.

After experiencing approximately 12 consecutive Valentine’s Days filled with disappointment, I came to a bold conclusion.

Instead of being disappointed when you realize your life isn’t a rendition of the “Titantic” and that your Valentine is no Jack Dawson, give the poor guy a break and help him out a little.

If you have unreal expectations for V-Day, you’re setting your man up for failure and yourself up for disappointment. Remind yourself that this is the real world and that your Valentine is most likely a broke college kid, much like yourself. Be thankful for any gesture, large or small. Love, though it’s often made complicated by human imperfection, is a simple and genuine concept. Our Valentine gestures should reflect that notion.

If you still can’t let go of your dreams of a regal Valentine’s Day date, make it happen on your own.

If you want a trail of rose petals leading to a candle-lit dinner, followed by a private concert with Michael Buble, make the arrangements on your own.

Our society has been wired to think that romantic gestures are reserved for and expected only of men. Shouldn’t receiving a romantic gesture be just as fulfilling as making one?

I don’t know about you, but I grew up watching “Boy Meets World,” and if I recall correctly, it was Topanga who proposed to Corey. There’s something courageous and uniquely romantic about a woman who knows what she wants and who makes it happen.

So ladies, this Valentine’s Day, try reversing the roles and making it a V-day that your man will never forget. Be his Prince Charming, but try not to emasculate him while doing so. That could turn you V-day bad real quick.

Levi Meyer

Valentine’s Day and I do not make a good couple.

In fact, she’s been a real spitfire over the years. But this year, things will be different. As a member of the “It’s complicated” demographic, I have quite a few options for the 14th.

However, V-Day plans can go from bad to worse if caution isn’t used. To avoid the major pitfalls of V-Day, it’s important to follow a few rules.

Nobody can be trusted on V-Day. It’s an all-out brawl for love and a fight for survival. Some women turn into man-eaters, stalking their potential prey at V-Day parties. If you run into one of these women, V-Day could be your D-Day. Make sure you have a go-to phrase that can scare these creatures away. “I think I’m going to be sick” should work just fine.

If you’re hanging out with singles, remember to keep your alcohol consumption in check. It’s easy to make regrettable decisions on V-Day, especially while under the influence. After a few drinks, even a man-eater looks friendly and normal. Keep the drinking under control on the 14th. Otherwise, you might be taking a shameful walk on the 15th.

Once semi-sober, remember to be relaxed and comfortable when meeting other singles. Some saint and a flying love-archer gave you one day out of the year to hang out exclusively with single women, so take advantage. Put on your best shirt and talk to some attractive girls. If you don’t end up with a Valentine, you’ll at least make a few new friends.

But if you do take a girl out on V-Day, do it right. Make an effort to show your date a good time. It’s the best day of the year to spoil your girl, so take a few risks to give the night some grandeur.

However, don’t go overboard. You don’t have to make reservations at the most expensive Italian restaurant in town to impress a girl on V-Day. Keep it simple and intimate. Relax, and have fun.

You can even try cooking for your valentine. But if all you can make is grilled cheese, then at least light some candles.

V-Day is complicated. But you’ll live to see the 15th – even if I don’t.

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