Located in: Opinions
Posted on: December 2nd, 2012 No Comments

Monarchy is enjoyable, accessible electro

“Monarchy” is a wonderfully dark album. There are no lyrics, but the music itself has a kind of malicious punch to it that I very rarely hear in electronic music. The drumbeats create a pounding drive, while the moody guitar and piano sounds are a compelling backdrop for the heavy, blaring synths to tear through. The structure is actually quite similar to rock or metal music, but still retains an exclusively electronic feel.

I knew Mosh was an electronic artist due to the section of Bandcamp (website) I was exploring, so it was interesting to me that the first thing I hear is a dark and looming piano chord. From there it didn’t take long for that somber beginning to transform into a contagious electronic groove, and before I realized how long I had been listening, the first song was up and I was on to the next one.

I felt the need to describe this experience to exemplify just how easily “Monarchy” will suck you in. Within seconds you’re gonna be bobbing your head or tapping your foot to one of many pulsing beats, but I think Mosh’s real talent is his restraint. He never lets a musical phrase or synth riff go on for so long that it overstays its welcome.

I understand that electronica is based primarily on the beat and the repetition of hooks, but there are so many electronic artists who take that concept way too far. The songs end up being eight minutes of the same exact thing and quickly wear on the listener, but Mosh knows just how much is enough. The music is certainly repetitious, but his understanding of dynamics make it so that you’re always listening to something slightly different at just the right time. It keeps things fresh and interesting throughout the whole album while still being able to zone out and get lost in the buzz.

I see all of the potential for “Monarchy” to be a really great album. It could use a little more subtlety, particularly with the drums. As of now they don’t blend in with the rest of the music as well as they could and instead feel like more of a separate entity. Mosh also uses a relatively small number of overall instruments and sounds, which means the music lacks melodic ambiance to it, but both of these contrivances are so small and take very little away from the overall album.

But it’s damn fun to listen to. “Monarchy” is so accessible. I didn’t feel the need to warm up to it or give it multiple listens to really appreciate it. I loved it from the very first song to the very end.

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