Located in: Opinions
Posted on: October 23rd, 2012 1 Comment

Why Romney is America’s best bet


The most troubling issue of the 2012 election is our nation’s outstanding debt.  Most American voters are weighing both sides of the presidential election, attempting to nominate the best candidate and the race has proved to be a close one so far with Romney currently possessing 49 percent of the nation’s support and Obama with 47 percent support. That number, 47 percent is one that Americans have become quite familiar with over the past few months. Mitt Romney has received both praise and ridicule for his comment about neglecting 47 percent of American voters. He made the comment in reference to the 47 percent of Americans who claim that they will vote for President Obama on November 6th no matter what.
This 47 percent is composed of delusional Americans who feel entitled to aid such as healthcare, food, housing, etc. These people pay no income taxes. These people are completely dependent on government and feel entitled to claim other American’s hard earned tax dollars. This is an absolute outrage. It was John F. Kennedy who said, “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.” The Americans who compose that 47% of voters are not concerned with how Romney, or any candidate for that matter, plan to alleviate our nation’s debt. They are merely concerned with whether or not they’ll be receiving an unemployment check still. Obama will give them that. He will reward them for their complete disregarding the American way of life which was founded on hard work, struggle, and perseverance. Mitt Romney will not sign those checks. He will no longer allow Americans to be spoon feed by the government. With a national debt exceeding 16 trillion dollars, over $6 trillion belonging to the Obama Administration, America can no longer afford to support the unconcerned citizens who have mastered the manipulation of the system to further benefit themselves.
America needs Mitt Romney and Vice Presidential candidate, Paul Ryan, both economic experts. America needs to stand up to the unconcerned 47 percent of Americans who are sucking the quality of life out of this great country to reap their own selfish benefit. It seems two kinds of people will be voting for Obama on November 6th: the uninformed and the unconcerned. Our nation can no longer afford these people.

One Response

  1. Kyled913 says:

    If they were “economic experts,” why dont they have a plan to actually SAVE us from economic collapse?? Oh, they plan to balence the budget in 22 years?? Phew, I was worried we would NEVER get out of this!!

    True economic experts more often than not are members of the Austrian School of Economics… Romney is a tried and true Keynesian. He is pro Federal Reserve, pro-bailout (depending on which day you ask him), pro-Quantitative Easing (again, depending on the day), pro-MASSIVE military spending, even when 1) the military did’t ask for more money, 2) the military is one giant monetary waste machine, and 3) you CANNOT balance the budget while at the same time expanding military spending.

    Economic experts would agree that there should be no sacred cows when dealing our economic situation; everything should be cut. But not Romney… Well, he might agree with that, if you catch him on the right day.

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