Located in: Opinions
Posted on: October 7th, 2012 No Comments

Editorial: Actions speak louder than words

There are people in the White House that I want gone immediately. I don’t like their policies, they have no idea how to fix our economy and we are going nowhere as a country because of them. I’m able to express these feelings because I am free to do so. That is the beauty of freedom. And what is better than that freedom? The freedom to vote.
Freedom is defined as the power or right to speak or act without restriction. The definition itself gives me the feeling that there is nothing more important than freedom. Am I able to do absolutely whatever I want whenever I want? Not quite. There is obviously some restriction in that, but even within the “rules,” you can do anything you set yourself to do.
In order to understand freedom, you have to understand how meaningful it is to have it. Here in the United States, we have full range to do and say what we want, as long as we don’t commit slander or libel. If you don’t like what the Republicans are doing in the White House, you have the right to vote them out. Same with the Democrats. Your right to vote is important.
But there are other countries in the world that have very restricted freedom. Countries run by dictators have hardly any freedom. Whatever the dictator believes in, all of the people believe in. And if those people come out and say they disagree with the dictator, they get taken out and shot. And there’s nothing the people can do about it. They won’t hold elections to get that man out of their country.
If it weren’t for freedom, newspapers and other media outlets wouldn’t have the power they do today. Newspapers especially run on big columns with deep thoughts. It also allows its readers to write letters in saying what they believe in. We the people are allowed to speak about whatever we want and make our own opinions.
Most importantly, the freedom to vote means you have the right to say who you want in office without anyone telling you that you can’t. Voting allows you to voice your opinions louder than what anyone can write in a newspaper. Sure, I can sit here and bad-mouth a politician all I want, but if I don’t go out and vote against them, my opinion means nothing. Actions always speak louder than words, and that couldn’t be any more true when it comes to voting.
So when you go out and vote Nov. 6, remember how much of a privilege it is to be able to do so. Realize that your vote really does matter because you are making a much bigger difference than those who are not voting. Voting is a freedom that we are all lucky to have.

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