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Posted on: September 23rd, 2012 3 Comments

Obama breaks promise to U.S.

Buyer’s remorse– it’s a completely natural feeling to have. I’m not talking about the $200 you spent on a textbook you just found out you won’t be using in class. I’m talking about the $5.4 trillion you spent on promises that were unrealistic and weren’t upheld. After eight years of George W. Bush and two exhausting wars, our generation was teed up perfectly to vote for the eloquent Barack Hussein Obama. But after 104 rounds of golf (the number of rounds President Obama has played since taking office), it is clear that the inspirational rhetoric used in 2008 amounted to nothing more than pretty words. By nearly any measure, Obama has done a pathetic job of keeping the campaign promises he made before becoming president in 2008.
The website politifact.com, winner of a Pulitzer Prize, was able to list 5 pages of promises not kept by Barack Hussein Obama. Among his long laundry list of promises broken was the closure of Guantanamo Bay and the promise that unemployment wouldn’t rise above 8 percent if his stimulus was passed (the unemployment rate has been above eight percent for over 40 months—a staggering statistic). Perhaps most disappointing of all was his promise that by the end of his first term, he would cut the deficit in half. Obama is famous for using cop-outs when trying to explain his undefended record. A favorite excuse for the president’s failures is that the Republican-controlled House wouldn’t cooperate with him, preventing the president from being able to pass laws that would help the country. The problem is that President Obama had Democratic majorities in the House and Senate for the first two years he was in office. Rather than focus on measures that would help the country and the economy recover, or focus on the long list of promises he made, he chose to take a far left agenda and ram it down the throats of American citizens, passing ObamaCare by any means necessary. Obama’s stimulus package, which was the cornerstone to his economic recovery plan, was by and large a failure. If you don’t believe me, try to find a job as a recent grad or college student for above minimum wage, or try to buy your first house.
Look, we get it. Obama hangs out with people like Jay-Z and Beyonce and can dance on the Ellen Degeneres show. He’s a cool guy. However, being cool and looking like a perfect model from the Touch of Grey commercials does not qualify you to run this country for another term, nor justify the failures of your past term going ignored.
By comparison, Mitt Romney is seemingly less cool. You won’t find any memoirs about Romney doing coke in college.
He was too busy learning how to be a success. The Obama campaign and its puppy love supporters in the media have spent millions of dollars and countless hours trying to convince you that Mitt Romney is out of touch and a greedy gaffe machine.
One of their favorite attacks is on Romney’s taxes. However, his 20 year average tax rate is 20 percent, and in 2011 alone he donated $4 million dollars to charity, a staggering third of his income. This is a far cry from the scrooge that Obama would like you to think Romney is. Unlike Obama, Romney won’t make promises he knows he won’t keep or say popular things that, upon implementation, will be detrimental to the country.

3 Responses

  1. L says:

    I am starting to notice a theme here: weekly Obama-bashing opinion articles. Some variety would be nice. Afterall, not everyone at CMU is voting for Romney.

  2. Hsalgado says:

    Mr. Vaughan is a true American, from the sounds of this article, by the way, well spoken and straight on to the truth it needs to be shared and spread widely. I cannot stress enough to my friends, colleagues and family that our country cannot afford a second term obama. He forgot to mention the many insults he has hurled indirectly at our flag, anthem etc, and the many countries he has allowed to mock and hurt our good name. Keep it up Mr. Vaughan and please share it beyond the Criterion. I know I will.

  3. ned says:

    This article is ridiculous. You guys should stick to the stuff you know – like fashion trends and movie reviews. Leave the politics to people who know what they’re talking about.

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