Located in: Opinions
Posted on: September 9th, 2012 No Comments

Editorial: 9/11 demands unity during election year

This week we celebrate America. September 11, Patriot’s Day, is a day we celebrate how strong we are as a country, we remember all those that we lost in the terrible attacks 11 years ago and we give thanks to all those in uniform. It feels good to be an American. But it’s that time again where we split as a country because of the presidential election. Of course many of us have our own opinions. That’s what makes this country great: we have the freedom to believe in whatever we want. But is it worth hating our own neighbors over their political preference?
You can’t turn on a television without seeing a political ad. Not just an ad, but a negative ad about Barack Obama or Mitt Romney, each one making a candidate seem like a terrible person overall. It’s because of those that we form such bad opinions about people of a certain party. The advertisments contain so much negativity that we end up hating people who are for a certain issue.
The negative campaigning isn’t a problem just because it drives us away. It’s the money that is being thrown into these campaigns that should be the cause for concern. Over $416 million have been spent on ads, with 80 percent being negative. The candidates are always preaching about saving money here and there, but this is just throwing away too much money on ridiculous commercials.
Just a month ago we were all very proud to be Americans. The US Olympic team competed in London and dominated in the medal count. We were all talking about how great we are and giving high fives to strangers because that brought us together. The Olympics made us proud to be Americans. We were the same people doing the same everyday things just a month ago. The only difference is we now dislike each other because of where we stand on issues.
It’s alright to disagree over issues. We all want things to be done our way, but there is just too many people for that to happen. When the elections start to heat up and the campaign ads flood our televisions, just remember that we are all on the same team.
We are all Americans and when we stand togther, we are a part of the greatest country in the world.

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